San Diego Guitar Lessons


Pitch loves teaching guitar because it is the most versatile and portable instrument out there, which gives us insight as to why it has become the most popular instrument to play in the whole world! From learning how to play guitar to accompany yourself all the way to become a rock star guitarist, Pitch can help you achieve your guitar playing goals.

For those who are completely new to guitar and looking for some online help . I have put together a section dedicated guitar resources, filled with buying guides, lessons, etc. to aide you on your journey.  After looking over the page if you still have questions feel free to email me and I will be glad to help you.

Pitch also offers San Diego Piano Lessons, San Diego Voice Lessons.

San Diego Music Lessons

Pitch has been playing guitar since he was 10 years old.  Don’t assume you are too young or too old, never be discouraged from learning music. Contact Pitch to set up a first session.  If for some reason you and Pitch are not a good fit, Pitch will gladly refer you to a list of top notch instructors he knows from all over San Diego and, for that matter, all over the country.

Lesson scheduling and length can be arranged on a student-by-student basis and cost depends on location.  

To set up a first music lesson and for more information, please email

Click here for general info about Pitch Michael ‘The Teacher’

Hallmark Music Hits a High Note: Celebrating ‘Only Saints’ and Their Christmas Magic

Hallmark Music Hits a High Note


Hallmark Music - Only Saints - Our Christmas TreeCelebrating ‘Only Saints’ and Their Christmas Magic

“Deck the halls with boughs of… indie music?” That’s right, folks! Hallmark Music is bringing some fresh tunes to your holiday playlist, and I’m here to spill the jingle bells and whistles. Let’s talk about ‘Only Saints‘, the band that’s about to make your Christmas a lot merrier – and, full disclosure, it’s my girlfriend’s band, Candice Kelly, so expect a sleigh-load of excitement and pride from yours truly!

The Magic of ‘Only Saints’ Music

Imagine a Christmas song that’s like a warm hug from a long-lost friend – that’s ‘Our Favorite Tree’ by ‘Only Saints‘. This isn’t just any holiday jingle; it’s a track that’s landed a coveted spot on Hallmark’s Christmas lineup. Cue the mistletoe and twinkling lights, because this is big!

From Studio to Hallmark Music Stardom

The journey from studio sessions to Hallmark stardom is like a sleigh ride through a winter wonderland. ‘Only Saints’ teamed up with APM Music, the unsung heroes behind the scenes, to bring their Christmas magic to the masses. Check them out here. Spoiler alert: they’re awesome.


Why ‘Our Favorite Tree’ is Your Next Christmas Anthem 

‘Our Favorite Tree’ isn’t just a song; it’s a festive experience. It’s about love, joy, and all the warm fuzzies that come with the holiday season. It’s the kind of tune that makes you want to cuddle up with a hot cocoa and reminisce about the good old days.

Hallmark Music & Only Saints

So, as I beam with pride and do my awkward happy dance (trust me, it’s a sight), let’s raise a toast to ‘Only Saints’ and their Hallmark Music debut. Here’s to making “Our Favorite Tree” a part of our favorite Christmas traditions!

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Strumming to Stardom: Mastering the 4 Most Popular Chords


Strumming to Stardom:

Mastering the 4 Most Popular Chords (with a Side of Laughter)

4 most popular chords


Ever wondered why every campfire singalong sounds suspiciously similar? Spoiler alert: It’s because of the ‘Fantastic Four’ of chords – G, D, Em, and C. Yes, folks, the 4 most popular chords, these are the superheroes of the music world, the backbone of your favorite tunes, and the reason your guitar gently weeps at night.

G Chord – The Gateway to Guitar Glory

First up of the 4 most popular chords, the G chord. It’s like the first pancake of your musical breakfast – crucial to get right, but hey, no pressure! On the guitar, place your fingers as if you’re reaching for the last cookie in the jar – index on the fifth string, second fret; middle on the sixth string, third fret; and ring on the first string, third fret. For piano, let your fingers do a little dance on G, B, and D. Voila! You’re now 25% rockstar.G Major Chord - GuitarG Major Chord - Piano

D Chord – The Drama Queen

Next, we strut over to the D chord, the drama queen of the group. This one’s like doing a tiny hand ballet. On the guitar, it’s a delicate balance – index on the third string, second fret; ring on the second string, third fret; and middle on the first string, second fret. On the piano, it’s D, F♯, and A. Hit these, and you’re practically halfway to composing your own soap opera theme song.D Major Chord - GuitarD Major Chord - Piano

Em Chord – The Moody Brooder

Now, let’s mellow things down with Em, the moody brooder of chords. This one’s as easy as finding a cat video on the internet. On the guitar, it’s just two fingers – index on the fifth string, second fret, and middle on the fourth string, second fret. For piano, play E, G, and B. If chords had feelings, Em would be listening to sad love songs in the rain.

E minor Chord - Piano

C Chord – The Cheerful Chap

Finally, the C chord, the cheerful chap that brings a sunny vibe. On the guitar, it’s a game of Twister for your fingers – ring finger on the fifth string, third fret; middle on the fourth string, second fret; and index on the second string, first fret. On the piano, C, E, and G come together like a trio of best buds.

C Major Chord - GuitarC Major Chord - Piano

Conclusion So there you have it, folks – the 4 most popular chords that will make you the life of the party or at least the hero of your living room. Remember, practice makes perfect, and a little humor goes a long way. Happy strumming and tickling those ivories!

Interested in music lessons? Sign up here. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel. Check out other blogs to learn, to laugh, to enjoy 🙂

Credit: Piano Diagrams Used from & Guitar Diagrams Created at


After reading thru this blog let’s see if you can answer this youtube short! 🤣  “🎶 Whisper Challenge: Guess the Top 4 Chords! 🤫🎸🎹”

Tell Me You’re a Singer Without Telling Me – Life’s a Musical, Isn’t It?

Tell Me You’re a Singer Without Telling Me – Life’s a Musical, Isn’t It?


Tell Me You're a Singer Without Telling Me“Tell me you’re a singer without telling me you’re a singer.” Sounds like a challenge from the latest social media trend, doesn’t it? Well, strap in, folks, because we’re about to dive into the melodious, sometimes off-key world of singers and why our lives are basically musicals. Spoiler alert: there’s more singing in the shower than you might expect.

The Unwritten Rules of Being a Singer

First things first, let’s talk about the unwritten rules of being a singer. If you haven’t broken into a spontaneous ballad while grocery shopping, are you even trying? And let’s not forget the sacred ritual of vocal warm-ups. Picture this: you’re in your car, and someone catches you doing lip trills at a red light. Awkward? Maybe. Essential for hitting those high notes? Absolutely.

Life as a Musical

Now, onto the main act: life as a musical. Imagine walking down the street, and suddenly, everyone around you bursts into a perfectly choreographed number. That’s just a regular Tuesday for a singer. Our lives are a series of dramatic crescendos, emotional solos, and, yes, the occasional sad violin playing in the background.

The Singer’s Survival Kit

Every singer needs their survival kit. This includes, but is not limited to: a water bottle (hydration is key), a playlist of vocal exercises, and an unwavering belief that every moment could be your next big break. Oh, and a mirror. Because who doesn’t love watching themselves hit that perfect note?

The Singer’s Conclusion

In conclusion, if your life isn’t a musical, what kind of life are you living? To all the shower singers, car crooners, and aspiring Broadway stars: keep singing, keep dreaming, and remember – life’s better with a soundtrack.


“Interested in music lessons? Sign up here. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Check out other blogs to learn, to laugh, to enjoy 🙂”

Elevate Your Music with Trumpet Lessons in San Marcos


Carl Pitcher

Carl Pitcher

Private Music Instructor




Alto Horn


-Accepting New Students-
Register Today!

Trumpet Triumphs: Elevate Your Music with Trumpet Lessons in San Marcos

Blow Your Own Horn – But Seriously, Learn How First

So, you wanna be the next Louis Armstrong or maybe just the first-chair trumpet in your school band? Either way, you’re in the right place. Here at Pitch Michael Studio, we’ve got Carl, not just any music instructor, but a trumpeting maestro who’s more local than avocados in San Diego. He’s a walking, talking, horn-blowing proof that Trumpet Lessons in San Marcos aren’t just about scales and arpeggios – they’re your ticket to becoming a brass legend.

Carl’s Credentials: Not Your Average Joe with a Horn

Let’s talk about Carl. SDSU alumni? Check. International performer? Big check. Carl has blasted his trumpet from the sunny stages of Southern California to the neon-lit alleys of Las Vegas and even serenaded the cherry blossoms in Japan. His trombone slides are smoother than a surfer at Black’s Beach, and when it comes to the alto horn, he’s got more riffs than a SoCal road map.

From Notes to Noteworthy: Play, Compose, & Record

But Carl doesn’t stop at just playing. Nope. He’s an accomplished composer whose tunes have graced the airwaves, and his recording engineer creds mean he’s got the skills to make sure your music doesn’t just echo in your mom’s garage. With Pitch’s 3-step method, you’ll learn to PLAY, COMPOSE, and RECORD like a pro. And guess what? The man can teach. After all, he taught Pitch everything he knows!

Fun Fact: “Did you know that practicing the trumpet can actually improve your lung capacity? It’s like a workout, but with more melodies and fewer sweaty gym socks.

More Than Just a Teacher: A Musical Mentor

Now for the heartstring tug – Carl is Pitch’s dad. That’s right; he’s the guy who turned a tiny tot with a toot into the music maestro known as Pitch. If that doesn’t say “quality music lessons,” then I’m a tuba in a tutu.

Conclusion: Join the Bandwagon (Literally)

So, all you aspiring trumpet titans and slide slingers, it’s time to join the ranks at Pitch Michael Studio. Get ready to trumpet your way to stardom or at least to a place where you can play “Happy Birthday” without making the dogs howl.


Ready to blow the competition away? Sign up for music lessons and learn from the best!

Can’t get enough of those smooth brass sounds? Subscribe to our Youtube Channel and stay tuned for more tuneful tips!

Looking for a symphony of stories? Our blog is your backstage pass to learning, laughter, and all things musical!

Singing Tip: Mastering Vocal Runs

Vocal Tip: Mastering Vocal Runs

mastering vocal runs Hey there, vocal superstar! Or, at least, soon-to-be vocal superstar! Ever listened to those fancy singers nailing those quick sequences of notes and thought, “Hey, I want to sound that cool!”? Well, darling, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive deep into the magical world of mastering vocal runs!  And no, I’m not talking about sprinting with your vocal cords. 😆

Before Mastering… What On Earth Is a Vocal Run? 

Let’s get one thing straight. A vocal run isn’t that thing you do when you’re late to choir practice. Nope. A vocal run is a sequence of defined notes sung in a quick succession. Now here’s the fun part: It’s not a slide! Imagine slipping on a banana peel versus taking deliberate, exaggerated cartoon steps to avoid said peel. Which one sounds cooler?

“Slide No More!”: How to Nail Vocal Runs

  1. Slow and Steady: Start by slowing down that run. Sing each note sharply on an “ah”. Think of it like learning to dance. First, you catch the beat slowly, then you shake your groove thang.
  2. Bah-Dah Method: “Sliding all over the place?” “Well, aren’t you the adventurous type?” Try singing each note as a “Bah” or “Dah”. Once you’re less slippery, swap back to your vowel sound.
  3. Pick Up the Pace: Once you’re cozy with your run, speed it up! Remember, only go as fast as you can without turning it into a slide. “Slides are for playgrounds, not runs!”

Cool Tools to Help You Out 

Wanna slow down that YouTube video to catch that intricate run or even change its key? Check out the transpose chrome extension. It’s a game-changer. Truly, it’s the avocado toast of vocal tools. Remember… Perfecting vocal runs is like learning to make the perfect pancake. The first one might be a bit weird, but with patience, you’ll be flipping them like a pro!

Interested in music lessons? Sign up here  |  Subscribe to my Youtube ChannelCheck out other blogs to learn, to laugh, to enjoy 🙂

The Blank Daw: How I Start My Recording Session

Breaking thru the blank DAW!
(How I begin most of my recording sessions)

Staring at a blank DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) can feel like waiting for water to boil. And not just any water, but that extra slow one your grandma uses when she’s feeling a bit nostalgic. So, how do I start my recording session without falling asleep at my desk? Let’s dive in!

“The Blank Canvas Dilemma” the blank daw recording session

Imagine you’re a painter, gazing at an intimidating blank canvas, waiting for it to tell you what to paint. Well, it won’t. Trust me, I’ve tried staring contests with my DAW, and it always wins. It’s the same for musicians. We’ve got the tools (like Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Ableton, to name a few), but “how to start my recording session” is the million-dollar question.

Start your session Laying the Foundation 

Here’s a not-so-secret secret: I usually kick off by laying a basic midi piano chord part. Think of it as sketching your painting before committing to the colors. It’s not just random tinkering, but a structured layout of my song.

Fun Fact: Midi instruments are like the Swiss Army knife in the music world. Flexible, adaptable, and they won’t judge you if you change your mind a gazillion times!

The Vocal Magic

Once I’ve set the mood with my piano chords, I unleash the power of vocals! It’s like choosing the right shades for our painting. And after my vocals do their thing, I give the midi instruments a break. Bye-bye, midi piano! Hello, real chordal instruments!

Why Flexibility Matters in your Recording Session 

Starting with a midi instrument provides oodles of flexibility. Want to change a chord? Transpose a section? All done without the drama of re-recording.

Sarcastic Humor Alert: Imagine midi as that flexible friend who’s always up for pizza, even after a big meal. Or is that just me?

In the early stages of songwriting and recording, flexibility is your best buddy. It makes the process smoother, faster, and way less hair-pulling.

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Acoustic Music Sets at North City

Acoustic Music Sets at North City (Nov & Dec)

Hey all you music enthusiasts, jingle-jangle lovers, and sarcastic blog readers out there! Guess what? No really, guess! Okay fine, I’ll tell you. Get ready to have your eardrums gently massaged by the dulcet tones of yours truly, performing live acoustic sets at North City, San Marcos CA. And before you ask, yes, I’ll be singing and playing your favorite acoustic cover songs. No autotune, no dramatic light shows, just raw talent and maybe a sprinkle of humor for good measure.

“Wait, When’s This Happening?”

Mark your calendars, set your alarms, and maybe even hire a skywriter because the dates are as follows:

  • November 11, 2023, from 5:30 pm to 8 pm
  • December 16, again from 5:30 pm to 8 pm

noth city music

Why North City?

Why not?” I sarcastically retort! North City is the place to be, especially when you’re vibing to acoustic tunes. It’s the heart of San Marcos and offers the perfect ambiance for my type of gig. For those unfamiliar, you can find more about North City right here.

A Refreshing Twist

If you’re thinking, “Will my throat get parched from all the singing along and cheering?” worry not! I’ll be playing right beside Newtopia Cyder, where you can grab a delicious cider to quench that thirst. It’s almost like I planned this, right?

“I Need More Details!”

For the curious and the super fans, all details about my shows are on my homepage or, for those who love to hit the “Interested” button on Facebook (come on, I know you do), check out the events here.

In Conclusion…

If you’re in the mood for some foot-tapping, soul-soothing, and potentially laughter-inducing music, make sure you swing by. Remember, life’s too short for bad music and even shorter for missing out on good tunes in an awesome setting like North City.  

Interested in music lessons? Sign up here.

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How to Practice Chords (Frozen Style)

How to Practice Chords Frozen Style: Sing Like Elsa, Just… Slower?

practice chords frozen build a snowmanSo you’ve decided you want to play the guitar or piano. Great choice! You’re already cooler than most people. Now, before you start dreaming of dueting with Adele or shredding like Eddie Van Halen, let’s start with the basics: How to practice chords. And by basics, I mean the backbone of every song you’ve ever loved. Even “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” Yep, that one too.

The Hilarious Truth About Chord Changes

I recently had the hilarious pleasure of accompanying a student on the iconic Frozen ballad. Now, as they tried to master their chord changes on the piano, I found myself holding some notes… rather longer than usual. Like, take-a-deep-breath-and-think-about-life long. “But hey, aren’t slow chord changes a disaster?” Nope! It’s all part of the learning curve, and guess what? It’s a lot funnier than you think!

Fun Fact: “The longer you hold a note while waiting for a chord change, the more philosophical you become. Trust me, I’ve pondered the meaning of life in between C and G7.”

Practicing Chords: Step by Step

  1. Choose a Song You Love: I recommend “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” because who doesn’t love Frozen, right? Check out this fabulous chord chart to get started.
  2. Go Slo-Mo: Here’s the thing. Slow is the new fast. Starting off at a slower pace helps muscle memory and ensures accuracy. And for those using the Chrome browser, there’s this magic tool, the Transpose extension, that lets you change the key, slow down, or speed up any YouTube video. It’s like having a superpower, but for music.
  3. Repetition is Key: Practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. It’s like learning to tie your shoes or make a decent cup of coffee. Do it enough times, and it becomes second nature.

Sarcastic Tip: “When in doubt, just remember: the chords won’t change themselves. Unfortunately.”

To Sum It Up…

Learning chords can be challenging, but it’s also immensely rewarding. And the best part? When you finally get the hang of it, you can jam along with songs, make your own music, or just impress your friends with your newfound skills.

“Why rush when you can enjoy every melodious moment? Whether it’s a quick chord change or an extended dramatic pause – it’s all music to our ears!”


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When Your Student Only Wants to Play Rush E

WhenYour Piano Student Only Wants to Play Rush E (How to Play Rush E)

Oh, the joys of teaching piano! There you are, meticulously plotting out a well-thought-out curriculum for your students, covering everything from Bach to Beethoven. And then, in barges a kid with stars in their eyes, saying, “I wanna play Rush E!” Excuse me, what now?

kid playing Rush E

Why Everyone Is Obsessed With Rush E

Before diving into the how, let’s tackle the why. Rush E is that lightning-fast track that’s taken the internet by storm. And by “storm,” I mean like how a toddler takes over a candy store. Fun fact: Did you know that Sheet Music Boss, a YouTube channel, originally introduced this piece as a joke? Jokes on us, because it blew up! And now, every other youngster wants to conquer it on the piano.

“Slow and Steady” Isn’t Just for Turtles

So, your student wants to master Rush E. What do you do? Panic? Consider a career change? Nope. Embrace the madness! The key to learning Rush E (or any song, really) is to take it slow. Ironic, considering the song’s tempo, right?

Start with small sections. Once those are nailed, piece them together. Before you know it, your student is playing Rush E, and you’re contemplating if you should add “Miracle Worker” to your resume.

Sarcastic sidenote: Oh, and remember, patience is a virtue! Especially when you’re on the 103rd replay of the same section.

Go Easy on Yourself (And Your Fingers!)

If you’re starting to think Rush E is the musical equivalent of climbing Mount Everest, don’t fret. There are easier versions and arrangements out there. Yes, believe it or not, some genius decided to make an already challenging piece even more challenging. But, for the rest of us mere mortals, the simpler arrangements will do just fine, thank you.

In Conclusion: To Rush E or Not To Rush E?

The next time a piano student waltzes in, wanting to play Rush E, embrace the challenge. And when they successfully play it? Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. And maybe, just maybe, consider taking on Flight of the Bumblebee next. Because, why not?

Sheet Music Links

Have fun playing Rush E with one of these arrangements

Easy Version  |   Intermediate Version   |    Advanced Version



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Stop Practicing So Long! (How To Practice)

Stop Practicing So Long! Or…How Not to Turn Your Practice Sessions into Marathons 

Did you know? According to a study at the XYZ University, most students believe that practicing longer will make them better. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t!

Music Practicing too long

The Myth of the Long Practice Session

Hey there, superstar-in-the-making! I’ve heard a little rumor about you. Apparently, you think sitting at the piano for hours on end one of times every two weeks will make you the next Beethoven. Well, here’s a reality check: It won’t. Surprised? Don’t be. Here’s why.

Quality Over Quantity

Just like you wouldn’t eat all your meals for the week in one sitting (seriously, imagine the heartburn!), practicing for hours sporadically isn’t going to do you any favors. Daily practice, even if it’s short, helps reinforce your learning and keeps your skills sharp. Remember, it’s not about how long you practice, but how you practice.

Fun Fact: Your brain can only handle so much information at once. That’s why cramming for tests never works!

Consistency is Key 

Imagine going to the gym once every two weeks and trying to bench press 200 pounds. Not only will you probably not move that weight, but you might also pull something! Muscles, whet

her they’re in your arms or fingers, need consistent work to grow and strengthen.

Habits > Marathons

If you’re new to the world of music, or just new to the idea of daily practice, start with baby steps. Ten minutes a day. That’s it. Once that feels like a breeze, increase your time. The point is to form a habit. Before you know it, you’ll be practicing more without even realizing it!

Sarcasm Alert: If you still think one marathon session a week is enough, I’ve got a bridge to sell you!

Wrapping it Up

So, the next time you think about skipping your daily practice in favor of a two-hour session on the weekend, remember this: consistent, short practices are the secret sauce to becoming a musical genius. And if you need more tips on how to practice, book a lesson with me and I’ll answer all your questions. Or, for a deep dive into the science of practice, here’s an outbound link to a trusted music education site.

Remember, consistency is the secret ingredient in the recipe for success! So, get to that piano and start practicing (but not for too long, okay?).


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